
To ask why someone is calling or visiting a business, you ask, "How may I help you?"
If you want to ask someone to wait for a short time, you can also say, "Hold on"
When you transfer a phone call, you can say, "I'll put you through."
When someone calls or visits you at an arranged time, you can say, "I've been expecting you."
Another way to say "responsible for" is "in charge of"
When you answer the phone but you do not recognize the person's name or voice, you can say, "May I ask who's calling, please?"
If you use less of something or do less of something, you cut down on it.
When there is twice as much of something, it has doubled.
Another way of saying "right now," is, "at the moment."
When you need to cancel a plan but don't want to give exact reasons, you can say, "Something has come up."
Another way to say, "That sounds good," is, "That'll be fine."
When you arrive at an office, you might ask for the person you want to meet by saying, "I'm here to see ~."
When your phone line stopped for an unknown reason, you say you were cut off.
A strong way to say, "I don't know," is, "I have no idea."
When you tell your boss that you cannot work because you are sick, you are calling in sick.
When you completely agree with someone's opinion, you can say, "You said it."
When you meet someone and take them to the next place they are going, you pick them up.
To begin a question or request in a polite way, you can say, "I was wondering if..."
If you want to say that someone is away for a vacation or business trip, you can say they are out of town.
When you are trying to arrange a meeting, you can suggest the most convenient time or place for you by saying, "X will work for me."