
投書 A Letter to the Editor
As far as I'm concerned, it is time for a change in our city government.

The subway issue proves that our leaders take the city's people for granted, and they will continue to go right ahead and do whatever they want.

That is not a democracy. And it's not good business.

Let's face it, everyone agrees that this city has a traffic problem. I couldn't agree more.

Traffic jams can last for hours in the morning, and parking prices are rising. Plus, the buses, subways and trains we have are already too full during rush hour. We have to deal with the situation.

Most people realize that there is a limit to the number of cars the city can hold. It's that simple.

Cars have already taken over the downtown area.

And even though crews are still working on making wider highways, it will never be enough.

When you make more space for cars, more people will drive.

If we have fast and less-crowded trains into the downtown area, more people will take trains.

Fewer people will drive. Easy.

Rob Forbes says, we need more subways. Fair enough. it sounds like a good idea.

But there are many problems that he refuses to take into account.

And you don't have to take my word for it. --- there have been several studies.

Experts say that the underground work will be much, much more expensive, and cause local businesses to lose customers.

Not only that, but building a subway will take longer.

A "light train system," on the other hand, traveling above ground, will be cheaper, easier to build, and will cause less trouble for local communities.

It is the best plan that anyone has come up with.

Most people seem happy with the idea.

■では、市庁はなぜ、その計画を拒否するのでしょう? 私にはどうも腑に落ちません。
So why is the government turning down the plan? I don't get it.

Aren't they supposed to do what is best for the city?

Forbes says that people want subways. I don't buy that.

People want improvements. Most people don't care if they take a train or a subway to work, they just want it to be convenient.

But if subways will cost us tax dollars, cause business to lose money, and take more time, then the answer should be obvious.

The bottom line is that we need a new light train system.

And if Rob Forbes can't figure it out, maybe we need a new leader.

a 地元企業のいくつかが倒産しそうである b 街の中心地の渋滞が酷い c 町の人混みが緩和されている
What problem is this letter mainly about?
a Several local businesses are failing.
b Traffic is bad in the city center.
c The streets are less crowded.

a 費用が高いから b 地元の雇用にダメージがあるから c 使うのが不便だから
Why is the writer opposed to the idea of building a subway?
a Because it is expensive.
b Because it will hurt local employment.
c because it will be inconvenient to use.

a より広い道路を造る b 車を運転する人の税金を上げる c 路面電車網を作る
What plan does the writer support?
a Creating wider roads
b Raising taxes for drivers
c Building a light train system