
■UNIT23 プロジェクトの計画・立ち上げ ③建設予定地を訪問 「アクセスがいい場所ですよ」
■ニール:上々だよ、ありがとう! ここまでの旅はすごく楽だったし。
Marco: Hi Neil. How's it going?
Neil: Great, thanks! The trip was very smooth.
Marco: Good stuff. Shall we head straight out?
Neil: Sure, let's hit the ground running!

■ニール:なるほど、ここなんだね! うちの新しいデータセンターの建設地は。
■マルコ:そう! 御覧の通り、静かで人里離れた場所にありますが、幹線道路や鉄道の駅からはアクセスしやすいですよ。
Neil: So this is it! Our new data center location.
Marco: Yup! As you can see, it's quiet and out of the way but easy to access from the main road and railway station.
Neil: Perfect. It's lovely countryside, isn't it?
Marco: Year, it's beautiful. Almost a shame to build here, really. But new jobs will go down well with the local community.

Pawel: Hi Neil. Thanks for calling back. I just wondered how the visit went today.
Neil: No problem. It went really well, actually. It's a great location. You should come down and see it some time, share your ideas on the plans.
Pawel: That'd be great actually. I was thinking of stopping by at the end of the month. I have to come down to discuss how we're going to start moving services with Marco.
Neil: It seems he's got his hands full with everything we're doing here, but I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you.

■すぐに出発する ①head straight out
head out だけで「出発する」という意味ですが、ここにstraight が加わって「すぐに出発する」ということになります。head straight off と言っても同じ。 off や out は「今いる場所から離れる」という意味で使われています。
We have a lot of branches to visit today, so let's head straight out.

■直ちに取り掛かる、しっかり取り組む ②hit the ground running
hit the ground running は文字通りの「走りながら着地する、着地するや否や走り出す」というイメージから、「首尾よく仕事に着手する」という意味で使われる慣用表現です。また「最初から全力で取り組む」というような意味合いもあります。「早速取り掛かろう」ならLet's hit the ground running. Let's get on with it. と言っても同じです。
She wasted no time and hit the ground running.

■見ての通り、お分かりのように ③as you can see
このフレーズは文字通り、「見ての通り」という意味で使います。ただ、see は「見る」だけでなく「わかる」という意味もあるので、状況によっては「お分かりのように」という感じでも使えます。「~を見ればお分かりの通り」は、As you can see from / on / in ~ のように続けます。
例:As you can see in the picture, the hotel is surrounded by beautiful tropical gardens.
As you can see, we're not yet found the best way to arrange things.

■人里離れている、辺鄙なところにある、閑静なところにある ④(be) out of the way
このwayは「道」。out of the way は「道を外れている」というイメージから、「人通りの少ない、辺鄙な」という意味になります。形容詞1語で言えばremote。ちょっと遠くて立地が不便な場所を an out-of-the-way placeとあらわします。

■受け入れられる、気に入れられる、評価される ⑤go down well
go down well は「受け入れられる」「良く評価される、気に入られる」という意味。go down well with ~で「~に受ける、~受け入れられる」となります。
Moving to a new building went down well with everyone in the office.
This will impact year-end reporting. It won't go down well with the accounts team.

■立ち寄る ⑥stop by
stop by は「立ち寄る」。例えば、(空港に行くついでにあなたの会社に立ち寄るよ)のように使います。
I will stop by your office on my way to the airport.
「ほかの用事のついでに立ち寄る」というニュアンスがあるので、そこに行くこと自体が目的の場合は、I'll visit your office tomorrow. や、I'll come by your office tomorrow.とします。
Ah, we have these books for you to collect so I'm glad you could stop by.

■忙しくて手いっぱいだ、多忙である ⑦have ones hands full
日本語の「(忙しくて)手一杯」とほとんど同じ感覚で使えるのがhava one's hands fullです。これはbe all tied upと同じ意味で、要は、be too busy(忙しすぎる)ということ。Could you give me a hand?(ちょっと手を貸してくれる)と聞かれて手づだえないときに、Sorry, I have my hands full right now.(ごめん今手一杯なんだ)と答えることができます。ちなみに会話例ではhe's got his hands full.となっていますが、このhas(have) gotはhaveと同じ意味の口語表現です。
I'm not surprised he hasn't called us back yet. I think he has his hands full.

■~できてうれしい・光栄だ、喜んで~する、謹んで~する (be) pleased to ~
会話例のHe'll be pleased to see you.(君に会えたら喜ぶ)は文字通り「~できてうれしい」ですが、be pleased to ~は定例表現の一種としてビジネス広く使われます。例えば、(ゲストとしてお迎えできればまことに光栄です。)
We would be most pleased to have you as a guest.
We're pleased to inform you that your order has been shipped.
If there's anything at all I can do, I'll be pleased to help you.

I think Mick did really well in his first six months. --- Yeah, he really hit the ground running.

The shop is really interesting. --- Maybe, but isn't it a little out of the way?

Do you think it's a good time to ask Fran about a raise? --- I doubt it. She really has her hands full.

I'd love to see Michelle again. --- You should stop by our place one day. She'd be glad to see you too.

His joke didn't go down well with the audience.

I'm going to head straight out after work.

I'm pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted.

As you can see, business is slow this month.