
■UNIT20 パーティ、その他の交流 ⑤知り合いに再開 「誰にあったと思う?」
■キャリー:スティーブ? モーガン? 降参。
■キャリー:ミシェル・パレット? あら、それはよかったわね。
Mary: Guess who I ran into at that party the other night.
Carrie: Steve? Morgan? I give up.
Mary: Yes, they were both there, but so was our ex-boss!
Carrie: Michelle Barrett? Oh, that was nice.
Mary: No, not her. David Content. The one who always took things out on us for some reason.
Carrie: Oh you poor thing.

Mary: When he left he said he couldn't put up with working with fools.
Carrie: Yes, that was going too far.
Mary: When I saw him I didn't know which way to turn.
Carrie: I think I would have turned around and left.
Mary: I was just about to, but he saw me.
Carrie: That was a difficult situation.

Mary: Anyway, he came over and said hello, and was really nice!
Carrie: So why did he say we were all fools then?
Mary: It turns out he was talking about the other managers, not us.
Carrie: And did he say anything about his new job?
Mary: As a matter of fact, he said it's a really good company. He even offered me a job there.
Carrie: I hope you put in a good word for me.

■~ばったり会う、偶然会う ①run into ~
■ run into ~は「~に偶然に出会う」、言い換えると accidentally meet ~という感じです。
We keep running into each other, don't we?
I ran into David at a coffee shop in Ginza.
I ran into an old friend today.

■~について・・・に八つ当たりをする ②take ~ out on
■会話例の take things out on us は「個人的な問題について私たちに当たり散らす」という意味。
■thingsの部分には他にも、his frustration(不満)、his anger(怒り)、his problem(問題)などネガティブな単語を入れることができます。
■会話では相手の言動や行動をitで受けて、take it out on ...とするパターンが最も多いでしょう。
Stop taking it out on me.
I understand that you're stressed out, but please don't take it out on us.

■何らかの理由で、どうしたわけか、なぜか ③for some reason
He rejected their offer for some reason.
That clock is an hour slow for some reason.

■~を我慢する、~に耐える ④put up with
■「我慢する」は tolerate や endure, bear, stand のほか、この句動詞の put up with ~ もよく使われます。
■「こんなの、もう我慢できない」 I can't put up with this anymore. I can't stand this anymore.
I don't know how you put up with all the noise in here.

■行き過ぎる、やり過ぎる、言い過ぎる ⑤ go too far
■ go too far は、日本語の「行き過ぎる」とか「やり過ぎる」に当たります。
I think banning smoking in all public places is going too far.
■文脈によっては「言い過ぎる」にもなります。勢いで強い言葉を投げてしまった後「ごめん、ちょっと言い過ぎた」とあやまるなら・・・Sorry, I went too far. Sorry, I've gone too far.
I know the company is trying to save money but switching off the office heating is going too far.

■どうしていいかわからない ⑥ don't know which way to turn
■「どっちを向いていいかわからない」I don't know which way to turn.
■いわば、どうしていいかわからない( I don't know what to do. )をちょっと大げさに言うような感じです。
I arrived in jeans and a T-shirt and all the other guests were wearing suits. I didn't know which way to turn.

■結局~であることがわかる、~という結果になる ⑦ turn out ~
■ turn out はいろいろな意味を持つ句動詞で、UNIT17の会話例の中のセリフ、Look how many people turned out today.では出席するという意味で使われています。
■例:結局、ただの誤解だとわかった。 It turned out that it was just a misunderstanding.
■例:私が思ったようにはならなかった。 It didn't turn out the way I expected.
■万事うまくいった。 Everything turned out well.
■インタビューはどうでした? How did the interview turn out?

■~のことを口添えする ⑧ put in a good word for~
■ put in a good word for ~は、「~のために良い言葉を入れる」、即ち、「推薦する」とか「口添えをする」ということ。
■口添えをしといてくれる? could you please put in a good word for me?
■ Could you say a good word for me? put in は sayに置き換えることもできます。
■ちなみに「言葉にする」 put into words
■うまく言葉にできません。 I can't really put it into words.
She put in a good word for me with her boss.

■この部屋を赤く塗りたいの。---赤? やめてよ、いつもやり過ぎるんだから。
I would love to paint this room red. --- Red? No way, You always go too far.

What's all that noise? --- Oh, the children are probably fighting for some reason.

Why were you so late getting home? --- I ran into a friend from college, and we end up talking.

Aren't you going to New York next week? --- No, it turns out the trip has been canceled.

Do you think you could put in a good word with your boss for me?

I can't put up with his complaining anymore.

I need advice. I don't know which way to turn with this problem.

I know you're upset, but don't take it out on things around you.