
長文リスニング P059
Radio Talk : A Restaurant Guide
Many people are under the impression that our city has some of the worst food in the country.
And ten years ago, that might have been true.
But today, Kingston's restaurants offer a wide variety of food from all over the world, and we've never been better off when it comes to eating out.
You have my word. --- none of the restaurants I talk about today will serve your food on a plastic tray.
If you think the best pizza in town comes from one of the big pizza chains, I'd say you need to check out "Lecce."
This little shop on Princess Street has been up and running since April.
And their fresh southern Italian pizzas have people lining up.
They're a little more expensive, but they're well worth it.
I'm told that if you want a delicious bagel, you have to go to Montreal.
Well, I'm not really sure about that.
"The Bagel Bin" on Ontario Street has been making greate traditional bagels and bagel sandwiches for two years now,
and you don't have to take a day off just to get one.
Now, just in case Ontario Street is too far for you, the shop even has what it calls "bagel-mail."
How does it work? Simple.
You just place your order on the Internet by 6 p.m. the night before, and warm bagels arrive at your door the next morning by 8 a.m. at the latest.
But I wouldn't miss a visit to the shop if I were you.
A bagel hot from the oven, with a little butter, is a beautiful thing.
For a real change of pace, "Sato" has the city's best sushi.
It's no wonder the crowds are heading for this new restaurant.
The prices are reasonable, and the fish is is fresh. And if you're going out with someone whose stomach makes a funny noise when you mention raw fish. "Sato" also has a variety of delicious cooked Japanese meals.
Last but not least, news of a new hot French restaurant has just arrived.
"Paysan" quietly opened last July, and a quiet opening was probably for the best.
The tiny restaurant only seats 12 people, but the food is wonderful.
And once news of this delicious food slips out, I'm positive that those seats will be full every night.
So check it out now.

■このトークで語られているレストランはどの街にある。a キングストン bモントリオール cオンタリオ
In which city are the restaurants mentioned in this talk lacated?
a kingston b Montreal c Ontario
■「ベーグル・メール」では午後6時までにベーグルを頼むと、遅くともいつまでに届く? a 同日午後11時 b 翌日午前8時 c 翌日正午
If you order a bagel from "bagel mail" by 6 p.m., when do you get it at the latest?
a By 11 p.m. the same day b By 8 a.m. the next day c y noon the next day
■フランス料理店ペイザンはいつオープンした? a 去年7月 b12月 cまだオープンしていない
When did the French restaurant "Paysan" open?
a Last July b December c It's not opened yet