
■従業員各位 To All Employees
Padolytics Inc. would like to welcome on board all of our new employees.

No matter what you majored in or what your position is with our company, we hope that as you learn the ropes creating and building our state-of-the-art products, you will always feel at home.

Two things that Padolytics will never cut corners on are product quality and employee happiness.

That includes health and safety.

X takes a back seat to Y のような形だと「YのためにXがおろそかになる、Xが二の次になる」
We believe your work should never take a back seat to your health.

You are the most important part of this company, and your happiness is our happiness.

Stress is a major problem for workers in any company.

Anyone can be stressed out at work, and everyone experiences stress differently.

It happens almost everyone.

And when employees feel stressed or unhappy, they sometimes don't know which way to turn.

More often than not, people experiencing stress put up with their feelings of unhappiness, believing that it is a personal problem.

They believe that in time things will turn around. This may even be true.

But if you let stress go too far, it can lead to much larger problems, including health issues.

And that isn't good for anyone.

Padolytics will be happy to help you talk to an expert, and we will never give anyone the private details of your problem.

There isn't even any need to inform your boss.

Just use the "Health Center" phone number at the end of this document.

Calls to the Health Center are not reported to management and are always kept private.

And if you do tell your boss, we promise you will never get in trouble for reporting a health problem.

if for some reason you run into a safety issue at work, we also ask that you report it to someone as soon as possible.

The "Work Safety" number below can be called at any time to report problems or dangers that you feel are not being solved properly.

At Padolytics we believe that employee trust shouldn't be hard to come by. But it does have to be earned.

a. 会社の新入社員 b. 新聞記者 c. 会議に出席しているマネージャ
Who is this message most likely for?
a. New employees at a company
b. Newspaper reporters
c. Managers attending a meeting

a. 新しい最先端の製品 b. 職場での健康と安全 c. 会社の採用プロセス
What is the main topic of this message?
a. New state-of-the-art products
b. Health and safety in the workplace
c. Hiring process of the company

a. 上司に紹介してくれるよう頼む b. 会社のウエブサイトにあるフォームに記入する c. メッセージの最後にある番号に電話する
How can employees contact the Health Center?
a. By asking their boss to introduce them.
b. By filling in a form on the company website.
c. By calling the number at the bottom of the message.