■英文記録22 -165

■UNIT16 パーティその他の交流 ①新入社員歓迎会 「ようこそ、わが社へ」
■メアリー:良かった! 彼のために歓迎会をしましょうよ。

Mary: I'm being snowed under with work these days. I'm going mental because I'm so stressed out.
Carrie: Hang in there, Mary. A new guy's coming in next week, so things will turn around.
Mary: How do you know that?
Carrie: The boss gave me a heads-up.
Mary: Great! Let's throw a welcome party for him.


Brown: Welcome on board, Ken.
Ken: Thank you, Mr. Brown. Thank you, everyone. I'm so excited to be joining the team.
Brown: Let's give him a toast. Everyone, raise your glass ... to Ken.
ALL: Cheers!


Brown: Ken, this is Mary. She heads our development team.
Mary: Hi, Ken, I heard that you majored in programming at Oak College.
Ken: Yes, but I only learned Java and C++ . I'm not familiar with COBOL at all.
Mary: It's very simple. You'll learn the ropes pretty quickly.
Ken: I'll try not to let you down.

■ストレスを感じる、ストレスで疲れ切る (be) stressed out
■ストレスがたまり過ぎて、心身ともに疲労困憊しているようなとき、I'm stressed out. という言い方をします。
■終日かかりっきりの作業をしていて、頭も体も疲れ切ったようなときには、I'm exhausted. を使うこともありますが、主に精神的な疲れであれば I'm stressed out. と言います。
■同僚に「あまり根を詰めないようにね」と伝えたいときは、Don't stress yourself out over it.のように使えます。
"You have two exams today, don't you?" "That's right. I'm really stressed out."

■状況が変わる、事態が好転する things will turn around
■turn around は「向きを変える」という意味ですが、景気や見通しなどを主語にすると、「上向く、好転する」になります。
We hope our sales will turn around in the fourth quarter.
Things will turn around.
"I don't think the economy will ever recover." "I'm sure things will turn around soon."

■heads~upは「注意、警告」ですが、give~a heads-up「~に警告する」だけでなく「~予め情報を伝える」という意味でも使われます。
■「・・・について~にあらかじめ伝える」というときは、give~a heads-up on/about ...となります。
■ちなみに Heads up! 一言だと、「頭、気を付けて!」という意味になります。
"How did you know I was coming?" " Kaori gave me a heads-up."

■ようこそ。Welcome on board.
■飛行機のアナウンスの"Welcome on board."は「ご搭乗ありがとうございます」ですが、新しく入社したり、チームに加わったりした人にも「ようこそ」という意味で使うことがあります。
■この意味ではWelcome aboard.の方がよく使われるかもしれません。
"Hi, Mr. Jenkins said you'd show me my desk." "You must be Kevin. Welcome on board."

■~専攻する major in ~
■「私は経済学を専攻しました」I majored in economics.
■「ご専攻は?」なら What did you major in ? What was your major? です。
What degree do you have?
”I have a bachelor's degree/master's degree/ph.D. in~
"You know a lot about computers." "Well, computer science is what I majored in."

■~にはあまり詳しくありません I'm not familiar with~
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with this area.
"Do you know how to use this computer program?" "No, sorry, I'm not familiar with that."

■やり方を学ぶ、コツをつかむ learn the ropes
■このlearn the ropesはそれに由来する表現で、「新しい仕事の手順を学ぶ、コツをつかむ」という意味で使われます。
■また、know the ropesと言えば、「やり方を心得ている」、あるいは「事情に明るい」という意味になります。
"Is everything going OK now?" "It's getting easier, but I'm still learning the ropes."

■~を失望させる、~をがっかりさせる let~down
■let 人 downで「~(人)を失望させる、がっかりさせる」という意味です。
■部下に期待を込めてプレッシャーをかけるとき、 「がっかりさせないでくれよ」のように言うこともあります。
I know you won't let me down.
The film was a real letdown.
"Did John finish that job for you?" "No, he really let me down."

My business is doing really badly. --- Don't worry. Things will turn around soon.

What did you study at university? --- I majored in English.

Be extra careful with this client. He's very important. --- Don't worry. I won't let you down.

Have you ever used this machine before? --- No, I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with it.

I always get stressed out around Christmas.

Give me a heads-up if you find a good job available.

Welcome on board, Ms. Henning. Let's get started.

It will take you a few month to learn the ropes.


投書 A Letter to the Editor
As far as I'm concerned, it is time for a change in our city government.

The subway issue proves that our leaders take the city's people for granted, and they will continue to go right ahead and do whatever they want.

That is not a democracy. And it's not good business.

Let's face it, everyone agrees that this city has a traffic problem. I couldn't agree more.

Traffic jams can last for hours in the morning, and parking prices are rising. Plus, the buses, subways and trains we have are already too full during rush hour. We have to deal with the situation.

Most people realize that there is a limit to the number of cars the city can hold. It's that simple.

Cars have already taken over the downtown area.

And even though crews are still working on making wider highways, it will never be enough.

When you make more space for cars, more people will drive.

If we have fast and less-crowded trains into the downtown area, more people will take trains.

Fewer people will drive. Easy.

Rob Forbes says, we need more subways. Fair enough. it sounds like a good idea.

But there are many problems that he refuses to take into account.

And you don't have to take my word for it. --- there have been several studies.

Experts say that the underground work will be much, much more expensive, and cause local businesses to lose customers.

Not only that, but building a subway will take longer.

A "light train system," on the other hand, traveling above ground, will be cheaper, easier to build, and will cause less trouble for local communities.

It is the best plan that anyone has come up with.

Most people seem happy with the idea.

■では、市庁はなぜ、その計画を拒否するのでしょう? 私にはどうも腑に落ちません。
So why is the government turning down the plan? I don't get it.

Aren't they supposed to do what is best for the city?

Forbes says that people want subways. I don't buy that.

People want improvements. Most people don't care if they take a train or a subway to work, they just want it to be convenient.

But if subways will cost us tax dollars, cause business to lose money, and take more time, then the answer should be obvious.

The bottom line is that we need a new light train system.

And if Rob Forbes can't figure it out, maybe we need a new leader.

a 地元企業のいくつかが倒産しそうである b 街の中心地の渋滞が酷い c 町の人混みが緩和されている
What problem is this letter mainly about?
a Several local businesses are failing.
b Traffic is bad in the city center.
c The streets are less crowded.

a 費用が高いから b 地元の雇用にダメージがあるから c 使うのが不便だから
Why is the writer opposed to the idea of building a subway?
a Because it is expensive.
b Because it will hurt local employment.
c because it will be inconvenient to use.

a より広い道路を造る b 車を運転する人の税金を上げる c 路面電車網を作る
What plan does the writer support?
a Creating wider roads
b Raising taxes for drivers
c Building a light train system


If there is something that you should do because you're planned to do it, or you've been told to do it, then you're supposed to do it.

If someone says something that is not quite right but the details are not important, you can say, "Something like that."

If you want someone to explain their opinion in more detail, you can ask, "In what way?"

If you make a formal request to buy something, you place an order.

When you want to announce that there is nothing more to do, you can say, "I'm done here."

If you don't agree with someone, you can say, "I don't buy that."

When you create something or think of a new idea, you come up with it.

When you want to think about something before making a decision, you can say, "Let me sleep on it."

If you want some information, you can ask someone who you think may know, by saying, "Do you happen to know~?"

When you guess an answer without careful thought or any investigation, it's off the top of your head.

When you want to tell someone the most important thing, you can start by saying, "The bottom line is ..."

If a company is losing money, it is in the red.

If you want to talk about something in an honest way, you can say, "Let's face it."

You can show that you are giving your own opinion, by saying, "as far as I'm concerned."

If you want to tell someone that you agree with them completely, you can say, "I couldn't agree more."

When you consider the effect that something has on a situation, you take it into account.

When you buy a business and take control of it, you take it over.

When you don't understand the reason for something, you can say, "I don't get it."

When you start to use something that is available, a supply of energy or an ability, you tap into it.

When you want to tell someone to notice good thing instead of bad things, you can say, "Look on the bright side."


■UNIT15 会議・打ち合わせ ⑤見方を変える 「明るい面に目を向けようよ」

Atsushi: Tianhe is going to take us over.
Katy: You're kidding. I thought Yinhe was takeing us over.
Atsushi: The management turned down their offer at the last minute.
Katy: After all these years? No way.


Paul: I don't get it. Tianhe already owns a sales company in Japan, so there's no point in buying us. What are they aiming at?
Atsushi: The rumor is that Tianhe's going to get the two companies together to cover a wider market. They're particularly interested in tapping into the senior market.
Katy: I don't think that will work out.


Atsushi: Well, we should try to look on the bright side. Tianhe is the biggest food maker in China. At least they probably won't lay us off.
Katy: How can you be so sure?
Atsushi: I can't. I'm just guessing.

■~を買収する、~を吸収合併する take over ~
■take over ~ は「~を乗っ取る」などたくさんの意味を持つ句動詞です。
■例えば「ここからは私が引き継ぐよ」では「引き継ぐ」ですが、I'll take over from here.
M&A、すなわち合併と買収(merger and acquisition)と同義ですが、take over は、相手企業の事業を完全に引き継ぐ、という感覚があります。
A Russian firm has taken over an Angolan gas company.

■~を断る、~を辞退する、~を拒絶する turn down ~
■turn down~はrejectと同じ意味で「断る」、「却下する」。
■例えば「その会社には面接のあと落とされたよ」I was turned down by the company after the interview.
■turn down~にはほかに(出力・音量)を下げるという意味もあります。
■エアコンを弱くしてもらえませんか? Could you turn down the air conditioner?
I was busy, so I turned down her dinner invitation.

■何年も費やした揚げ句、いまさら、今になって、数年ぶりに、ようやく after all these years
■after all these years は「何年も時間を費やした揚げ句」=「いまさら、いまだに」という意味。
■長年の努力の結果漸く形になりつつある。 It's finally taking shape after all these years.
I can't believe he left his job after all these years.

■納得できない。どうもわからない。 I don't get it.
■get には「分かる、了解する」という意味もあり、ネイティブスピーカーの会話には、「分かったよ」I got it.
■「分かった?」 Did you get it? のように頻出します。
■「分からない」で I don't get it. 「理解できない」I don't understand. と違い、「どうもわからない」「納得できない」「腑に落ちない」と言いうニュアンスがあります。
■どうしてチョコレートが嫌いなの? わかんないなぁ
Why don't you like chocolate? I don't get it.

■~を利用する、~を活用する、~を開発する、~に進出する tap into ~
■彼らは若者向け市場に進出するため新ブランドを立ち上げた。 They launched a new brand to tap (into) the youth market.
We want to tap into our customers' opinions.

■良い面に目を向ける、良い方に解釈する look on the bright side
■要するに、楽観的でいる。 be optimistic ということ。
■良い面に目を向けなよ。 Try to look on the bright side.
Sorry you broke your cellphone. But look on the bright side, now you can get a new one.

■~解雇する lay off ~
■lay offは「会社側の都合で解雇する」という意味です。
■例:ほとんどの従業員が解雇された。 Most of the employees were laid off.
■ですから、同じ「首になった」でも、I got fired. より I was laid off. の方が格好がつくというわけです。
That company laid off five employees last week.

■単なる推測です。当て推量をしてるだけです。I'm just guessing.
■guess は「推測する、想像する」ですから、I'm just guessing. は「単なる推測だけどね」とか「あてずっぽうで言ってるだけ」という意味になります。
Never guess, always confirm.
"How do you know he's from Brazil?" "I don't. I'm just guessing."

■ジュディが退職するって聞いた?---ええ! 長年勤めていたのに。驚いたわ。
Have you heard that Judy is leaving her job? --- Wow! After all these years. I'm surprised.

This desk is way too small. --- Look on the bright side. You have less space to clean.

Are you saying Bill is going to fire her? --- I don't know. I'm just guessing.

Why is ABC's stock rising? --- Because DEF announced it's going to take it over.

I turned down the promotion because I didn't need it.

We're hoping to tap into a different market.

The company promised they would not lay anyone off.

I don't get it. Why did she get so angry?


■UNIT14 会議・打ち合わせ ④問題を明らかにする 「直ちに取り掛かりましょう」

Mei Ling Wang: Today, I'd like to deal with the distribution problem in Asia.
David Chang: At the moment there are no problems.
Mei Ling Wang: Oh, is everything OK now?
Greg Jones: Yes, but every year the floods seem to be getting worse.
Mei Ling Wang: Let's face it, we didn't think about this when we set up factories there.


Greg Jones: As far as I'm concerned, these floods are only going to get worse in the long run.
Mei Ling Wang: I couldn't agree more.
David Chang: Why didn't anyone take this into account before we opened the factories?
Mei Ling Wang: Well, the recent floods in Thailand were the worst in over 50 years.

Greg Jones: So I guess people were taking the good weather for granted.
Mei Ling Wang: Anyway, let's put aside why our distribution's a headache, and get to work on trying to fix it.
David Chang: I don't have a problem with that.
Mei Ling Wang: Now, what can we do that will make a difference?

■~取り扱う、~に取り組む、~を処理する、~に対応する deal with ~
■deal with は「取り上げる」「取り組む」「処理する」「対応する」など様々な訳語が当てられます。
How can we deal with this situation?
Big corporations often deal directly with manufacturers.
"Here comes that angry customer." "OK, let me deal with it."

■率直に認めよう。現実を見よう。Let's face it.
■faceは「直面する、直視する」という動詞。Let's face it. とすると「それを正面から見よう」、つまり「素直に認めよう」(=Let's be ほねst。)、「現実をしっかり見よう」(=Let's face the reality.)という意味になります。
"If I sent him an e-mail now, he might reply this afternoon." "Let's face it---he never answers e-mails quickly."

■私の知る限りでは、私の意見では as far as I'm concerned
■自分の意見を述べるときに使うフレーズです。これとほとんど同じ意味で as far as I see it (私の見る限りでは、私が推測するところでは)という表現もあります。
"Some people don't like the new building." "It's perfect, as far as I'm concerned."

■まったく同感です。大賛成です。I couldn't agree more.
■I couldn't agree more.は「これ以上同意しようとしてもできない」=「まったく同感、大賛成」ということ。
■逆に「絶対反対」はI couldn't agree less.
■同じような構造のフレーズに I couldn't care less.(まったく構わない、どうでもいい)があります。
"I think we should take a break now." "I couldn't agree more."

■~を考慮する、~を勘定に入れる take ~ into account
■このaccountは「計算、勘定」のことで、take ~ into accountは「~を計算に入れる」、すなわち「~を考慮する、~を勘定に入れる」という意味になります。
■「考慮すべきこと」は~の部分に入れるか、take into account (the fact) that に続けて置きます。
■take into account of ~でも同じ意味になります。
We must take account of the exchange rate risk when investing in foreign bonds.
"I think these shipping costs are too high." "But you have to take into account the fact that the goods are very heavy."

■ここX年で最悪、X年ぶりの悪さ the worst in X years
■in 以下には、10 years, 6 month, 3 weeks など、期間を示す表現が入り、「過去~の期間で最悪の」ということを示します。
The Tohoku earthquake was the worst in over 1,000 years.
■the worst の部分には、ほかの形容詞の最上級を入れることもできます。
It was the hottest summer in the past 30 years.
"It's really cold this winter, isn't it?" "Yes, it's the worst in 10 years."

■~を当然のこととして扱う、~当たり前だと思う take ~ for granted
■何かを当たり前のこととして扱い、その価値や存在を軽視してしまうことを、take ~ for grantedと言います。
You should never take her kindness for granted.
I took it for granted that he would always be there for me.
"I'm surprised that Jose was so angry." " I suppose people were taking his hard work for granted."

■異論ありません。それで結構です。 I don't have a problem with that.
■ちょっと注意したいのは、「異論はありませんか?」と聞きたいときに、Do you have a problem with that? と言ってしまうと、「何か文句でもある?」という、けんか腰の表現になってしまうことです。
■それでいいですか? Are you OK with that? のような表現を使うといいでしょう。
"It will be very early, but let's meet at 7:45 on Friday morning." "I don't have a problem with that."

Eric tries to be helpful, but he's driving me crazy. --- Don't take his help for granted. He's just being nice.

How bad was the storm last week? --- It was the worst in over 20 years.

I think we should get up early for our trip tomorrow. --- I don't have a problem with that.

This place is way too crowded. --- I couldn't agree more. Let's get out of here.

I can't deal with all of these orders today.

Let's face it. The rent is just too expensive here.

As far as I'm concerned, we're making the best product available.

You need to take John's ideas into account here.