
■UNIT14 会議・打ち合わせ ④問題を明らかにする 「直ちに取り掛かりましょう」

Mei Ling Wang: Today, I'd like to deal with the distribution problem in Asia.
David Chang: At the moment there are no problems.
Mei Ling Wang: Oh, is everything OK now?
Greg Jones: Yes, but every year the floods seem to be getting worse.
Mei Ling Wang: Let's face it, we didn't think about this when we set up factories there.


Greg Jones: As far as I'm concerned, these floods are only going to get worse in the long run.
Mei Ling Wang: I couldn't agree more.
David Chang: Why didn't anyone take this into account before we opened the factories?
Mei Ling Wang: Well, the recent floods in Thailand were the worst in over 50 years.

Greg Jones: So I guess people were taking the good weather for granted.
Mei Ling Wang: Anyway, let's put aside why our distribution's a headache, and get to work on trying to fix it.
David Chang: I don't have a problem with that.
Mei Ling Wang: Now, what can we do that will make a difference?

■~取り扱う、~に取り組む、~を処理する、~に対応する deal with ~
■deal with は「取り上げる」「取り組む」「処理する」「対応する」など様々な訳語が当てられます。
How can we deal with this situation?
Big corporations often deal directly with manufacturers.
"Here comes that angry customer." "OK, let me deal with it."

■率直に認めよう。現実を見よう。Let's face it.
■faceは「直面する、直視する」という動詞。Let's face it. とすると「それを正面から見よう」、つまり「素直に認めよう」(=Let's be ほねst。)、「現実をしっかり見よう」(=Let's face the reality.)という意味になります。
"If I sent him an e-mail now, he might reply this afternoon." "Let's face it---he never answers e-mails quickly."

■私の知る限りでは、私の意見では as far as I'm concerned
■自分の意見を述べるときに使うフレーズです。これとほとんど同じ意味で as far as I see it (私の見る限りでは、私が推測するところでは)という表現もあります。
"Some people don't like the new building." "It's perfect, as far as I'm concerned."

■まったく同感です。大賛成です。I couldn't agree more.
■I couldn't agree more.は「これ以上同意しようとしてもできない」=「まったく同感、大賛成」ということ。
■逆に「絶対反対」はI couldn't agree less.
■同じような構造のフレーズに I couldn't care less.(まったく構わない、どうでもいい)があります。
"I think we should take a break now." "I couldn't agree more."

■~を考慮する、~を勘定に入れる take ~ into account
■このaccountは「計算、勘定」のことで、take ~ into accountは「~を計算に入れる」、すなわち「~を考慮する、~を勘定に入れる」という意味になります。
■「考慮すべきこと」は~の部分に入れるか、take into account (the fact) that に続けて置きます。
■take into account of ~でも同じ意味になります。
We must take account of the exchange rate risk when investing in foreign bonds.
"I think these shipping costs are too high." "But you have to take into account the fact that the goods are very heavy."

■ここX年で最悪、X年ぶりの悪さ the worst in X years
■in 以下には、10 years, 6 month, 3 weeks など、期間を示す表現が入り、「過去~の期間で最悪の」ということを示します。
The Tohoku earthquake was the worst in over 1,000 years.
■the worst の部分には、ほかの形容詞の最上級を入れることもできます。
It was the hottest summer in the past 30 years.
"It's really cold this winter, isn't it?" "Yes, it's the worst in 10 years."

■~を当然のこととして扱う、~当たり前だと思う take ~ for granted
■何かを当たり前のこととして扱い、その価値や存在を軽視してしまうことを、take ~ for grantedと言います。
You should never take her kindness for granted.
I took it for granted that he would always be there for me.
"I'm surprised that Jose was so angry." " I suppose people were taking his hard work for granted."

■異論ありません。それで結構です。 I don't have a problem with that.
■ちょっと注意したいのは、「異論はありませんか?」と聞きたいときに、Do you have a problem with that? と言ってしまうと、「何か文句でもある?」という、けんか腰の表現になってしまうことです。
■それでいいですか? Are you OK with that? のような表現を使うといいでしょう。
"It will be very early, but let's meet at 7:45 on Friday morning." "I don't have a problem with that."

Eric tries to be helpful, but he's driving me crazy. --- Don't take his help for granted. He's just being nice.

How bad was the storm last week? --- It was the worst in over 20 years.

I think we should get up early for our trip tomorrow. --- I don't have a problem with that.

This place is way too crowded. --- I couldn't agree more. Let's get out of here.

I can't deal with all of these orders today.

Let's face it. The rent is just too expensive here.

As far as I'm concerned, we're making the best product available.

You need to take John's ideas into account here.