
When you feel there is so much pressure on you, you can say you are stressed out.

When you expect a bad situation to start getting better, you can say "Things will turn around."

When someone joins your company or becomes a member of your team or department, you can say , "Welcome on board."

If you disappoint someone or fail to do something for them, you can say that you let them down.

When a product is available to buy, you can say it is in stock.

When products are bought very quickly, you can say they fly off the shelves.

When a product uses the latest technology, you can say it is state-of-the-art.

When something becomes popular because people recommend it to one another, it sells by word of mouth.

When you help people to feel at ease at the start of a social occasion, you can say that you break the ice.

When you avoid something, you can say you stay away from it.

When a situation becomes dangerous or you have problems, you can say you get in trouble.

When you try to do something but you don't know whether you will be able to do it, you give it a go.

When you do something that isn't pleasant, so you won't have to worry about it anymore, you get it over with.

When you choose to be less active in a situation, you can say that you take a back seat.

When you want to say that something in not making progress, you can use the phrase, "It is not getting anywhere."

■人々が次々に何かをするとき、彼らはそれを (順番で行う)と言えます。
When people do things one after the other, you can say that they take turns.

When you meet someone you were not expecting to, you run into them.

When you treat someone badly to release your anger, you take it out on them.

When someone does something that is beyond what you think they should do, you can say that they go too far.

When you say nice things about someone to make someone else think well of them, you put in a good word for them.


■UNIT20 パーティ、その他の交流 ⑤知り合いに再開 「誰にあったと思う?」
■キャリー:スティーブ? モーガン? 降参。
■キャリー:ミシェル・パレット? あら、それはよかったわね。
Mary: Guess who I ran into at that party the other night.
Carrie: Steve? Morgan? I give up.
Mary: Yes, they were both there, but so was our ex-boss!
Carrie: Michelle Barrett? Oh, that was nice.
Mary: No, not her. David Content. The one who always took things out on us for some reason.
Carrie: Oh you poor thing.

Mary: When he left he said he couldn't put up with working with fools.
Carrie: Yes, that was going too far.
Mary: When I saw him I didn't know which way to turn.
Carrie: I think I would have turned around and left.
Mary: I was just about to, but he saw me.
Carrie: That was a difficult situation.

Mary: Anyway, he came over and said hello, and was really nice!
Carrie: So why did he say we were all fools then?
Mary: It turns out he was talking about the other managers, not us.
Carrie: And did he say anything about his new job?
Mary: As a matter of fact, he said it's a really good company. He even offered me a job there.
Carrie: I hope you put in a good word for me.

■~ばったり会う、偶然会う ①run into ~
■ run into ~は「~に偶然に出会う」、言い換えると accidentally meet ~という感じです。
We keep running into each other, don't we?
I ran into David at a coffee shop in Ginza.
I ran into an old friend today.

■~について・・・に八つ当たりをする ②take ~ out on
■会話例の take things out on us は「個人的な問題について私たちに当たり散らす」という意味。
■thingsの部分には他にも、his frustration(不満)、his anger(怒り)、his problem(問題)などネガティブな単語を入れることができます。
■会話では相手の言動や行動をitで受けて、take it out on ...とするパターンが最も多いでしょう。
Stop taking it out on me.
I understand that you're stressed out, but please don't take it out on us.

■何らかの理由で、どうしたわけか、なぜか ③for some reason
He rejected their offer for some reason.
That clock is an hour slow for some reason.

■~を我慢する、~に耐える ④put up with
■「我慢する」は tolerate や endure, bear, stand のほか、この句動詞の put up with ~ もよく使われます。
■「こんなの、もう我慢できない」 I can't put up with this anymore. I can't stand this anymore.
I don't know how you put up with all the noise in here.

■行き過ぎる、やり過ぎる、言い過ぎる ⑤ go too far
■ go too far は、日本語の「行き過ぎる」とか「やり過ぎる」に当たります。
I think banning smoking in all public places is going too far.
■文脈によっては「言い過ぎる」にもなります。勢いで強い言葉を投げてしまった後「ごめん、ちょっと言い過ぎた」とあやまるなら・・・Sorry, I went too far. Sorry, I've gone too far.
I know the company is trying to save money but switching off the office heating is going too far.

■どうしていいかわからない ⑥ don't know which way to turn
■「どっちを向いていいかわからない」I don't know which way to turn.
■いわば、どうしていいかわからない( I don't know what to do. )をちょっと大げさに言うような感じです。
I arrived in jeans and a T-shirt and all the other guests were wearing suits. I didn't know which way to turn.

■結局~であることがわかる、~という結果になる ⑦ turn out ~
■ turn out はいろいろな意味を持つ句動詞で、UNIT17の会話例の中のセリフ、Look how many people turned out today.では出席するという意味で使われています。
■例:結局、ただの誤解だとわかった。 It turned out that it was just a misunderstanding.
■例:私が思ったようにはならなかった。 It didn't turn out the way I expected.
■万事うまくいった。 Everything turned out well.
■インタビューはどうでした? How did the interview turn out?

■~のことを口添えする ⑧ put in a good word for~
■ put in a good word for ~は、「~のために良い言葉を入れる」、即ち、「推薦する」とか「口添えをする」ということ。
■口添えをしといてくれる? could you please put in a good word for me?
■ Could you say a good word for me? put in は sayに置き換えることもできます。
■ちなみに「言葉にする」 put into words
■うまく言葉にできません。 I can't really put it into words.
She put in a good word for me with her boss.

■この部屋を赤く塗りたいの。---赤? やめてよ、いつもやり過ぎるんだから。
I would love to paint this room red. --- Red? No way, You always go too far.

What's all that noise? --- Oh, the children are probably fighting for some reason.

Why were you so late getting home? --- I ran into a friend from college, and we end up talking.

Aren't you going to New York next week? --- No, it turns out the trip has been canceled.

Do you think you could put in a good word with your boss for me?

I can't put up with his complaining anymore.

I need advice. I don't know which way to turn with this problem.

I know you're upset, but don't take it out on things around you.


■UNIT19 パーティ、その他の交流 ④業界の集まりでトーク 「聴衆の意見を聞こう」
■ピート:君はいつも忙しいね! 今日はどこに行くんだい?
Pete: You're always on the go! where are you off to today?
Kei: I have to go and speak at that industry meeting.
Pete Oh, that's right. What's it about?
Kei: Internet business. I can't wait to get it over with.
Pete: I thought you were looking forward to it.
Kei: No, I don't think this one is going to be much fun.

■ケイ:全然わからないよ! 話しながらでっちあげるしかない。
Pete: So what are you going to be talking about?
Kei: I have to talk about how Internet businesses can sell to people who aren't on the Internet.
Pete: That sounds interesting. How do they do it?
Kei: I have no idea! I'm going to have to make it up as I go along.
Pete: Why did you put yourself forward for it in the first place?
Kei: I didn't. The boss took it into her head that I could do it.

Kei: Anyway, I'm going to try to take a back seat.
Pete: You'll be hard put to do that when you are the one who is speaking.
Kei: Oh, I wouldn't get anywhere if I had to do all the talking.
Pete: So what are you going to do?
Kei: I'm going to ask for suggestions from the audience. They can take turns telling me their ideas instead.

■忙しい、あちこち動き回っている (be) on the go
■「彼はいつも忙しくしている」 He's always on the go. He's always busy. や He's always tied up with work. と同義です。
■ be on the go には「忙しく動き回っている」という語感があります。
■「彼はあちこち飛び回っているよ」He's busy jumping around. というように使います。
"You look busy." "I am; I've been on the go all week."

■さっさと片付ける、さっさと終わらせる get it over with
■ get ~ over with は口語で「~をさっさと片付ける、終わらせる」という意味で、get ~ doneと同じように使われます。
I want to get the assignment over with as soon as possible.
■目の前にあることを指して「さっさと終わらせちゃおうよ」と言いたいときには、仮主語の it を入れて、Let's get it over with.のように言います。
"I'm not looking forward to saying sorry to her." "You should stop worrying about it and just get it over with."

■~を推薦する put ~ forward
■ put forward には「提案する、提唱する」などの意味がありますが、put 人 forward for ~とすると「人を~職・任務に推薦する」という意味になります。
■ put の後に myself を入れると「自薦する、~を買って出る、~に名乗りを上げる」という意味になります。
■ 私はABC社での仕事に名乗りを上げた。 I put myself forward for a job at ABC.

■思い込む、突然思い付く take it into one's head
■唐突に何を思いついたり、おかしなことを思いこんだりすることを、take it into one's head と表現します。
■ take it into one's head that ... とすれば「…だと思い込む」
■take it into one's head to do... だと「…することを思い立つ」となります。
■例:彼女は突然インドに行こうと思い立った。 She suddenly took it into her head to go to India.
I don't know why she took it into her head that I would like working on Sundays.

■目立たないようにする、(誰かに立場を)譲る、二の次になる take a back seat
■ take a back seatは「後部座席に座る」ですが、これで「(主役の座を)譲る」とか「目立たないようにする」という意味になります。
■またX takes a back seat to Y のような形だと「YのためにXがおろそかになる、Xが二の次になる」という意味になります。
I'll introduce the product but I'll take a back seat when it comes to the technical details. I'll leave those to you.

■~するのに大変苦労する、~はほとんど不可能だ (be) hard put to ~
■「難しい状況に置かれる」という口語的な表現。 put の部分にpressed,pushed (押される)が入っても同じ意味になります。
■例:どちらを選ぶか決めるのに大変苦労した。I was hard put to decide which to choose.
■そのレポートを金曜までに終わらせるのはほぼ不可能でしょう。You'd be hard put to get this report done by Friday.
I'll be hard put to finish all this work by Friday.

■まったくうまくいかない、らちが明かない、始まらない not get anywhere
■否定語(not,neverなど)+ get anywhere は、「どこにも到着しない」、つまり「成功できない」「らちが明かない」という意味。
You'll never get anywhere if you don't take a risk.
We won't get anywhere if we keep on arguing like this.
This argument won't get us anywhere.と言っても同じです。
The contract talks are not getting anywhere.

■交代でする、順番に行う take turns
■あなたの番だよ。It's your turn.
■また順番でなにかをすることを take turns と言います。
■「順番でやろうよ」なら簡単に Let's take turns. と言えばOK。
■「何を」まで言いたい場合は、take turns(+at/in など)+動名詞 あるいは take turns + to 不定詞の形で表現しますが、動名詞だけで表す場合が多いようです。
We took turns introducing ourselves.
Everyone in the office takes turns cleaning the kitchen.

なぜスティーブをプロジェクトから外したのですか?--- 彼は人の話を聞かないので、チームがうまくいかなかったのです。
Why did you take Steve off of the project? --- He wouldn't listen to anyone, so the team wasn't getting anywhere.

Everyone in the class knows so much more than me. --- So that's why you always take a back seat in discussions.

I don't want to drive the whole way. --- We can take turns.

Is this the cheapest camera you have? --- You'd be hard put to find a nicer one for the price.

Why don't you get it over with and ask the boss for a raise.

They put her forward as the party leader.

Twitter is a great way to keep up with your friends when you're on the go.

She's taken it into her head that the office needs to be painted.


■UNIT18 パーティ、その他の交流 ③会話の糸口をつかむには 「天気の話ばかりじゃダメ」
Carrie: I'm going to a networking party on Friday. Do you want to come with me?
Mai: I wish I could, but I already have plans for that night.
Carrie: Oh, OK. I'll ask someone else.
Mai: You could always go by yourself.
Carrie: But what if there's no one I know?
Mai: You'll meet more people that way. That's what the party is all about.


Carrie: I'm not good at breaking the ice.
Mai: Just stay away from heavy topics.
Carrie: What, like political or religious issues?
Mai: Yes, those things will get you in trouble more often than not.
Carrie: But I'll come across as boring if I just go on about the weather.
Mai: You can start with the weather and get on to what interests you later.


Carrie: Maybe I'll give it a go on my own then.
Mai: Good for you.
Carrie: I'm still worried about making a fool of myself though.
Mai: Take my word for it; you'll be fine. Ask questions. People are happy to talk about themselves.
People are happy to talk about themselves.
Carrie: That's true. I'll let you know how I get on.

■そうできればいいんですけど・・・ I wish I could, but...
■ I wish I could, but は「・・・出来たらいいと思うけど、現実的には無理」という仮定法の表現で、誘いを断るときに便利なフレーズです。
■さらに「行きたいけど予定があるの」I wish I could, but I already have plans. のように、「なぜダメなのか」を簡単に添えるとよいでしょう。
"Want to come for a drink?" "I wish I could, but I have to stay and finish this work."

■すでに予定があるんです。 I already have plans.
■これは「明日、何か予定がありますか?」 Do you have any plans for tomorrow? のように聞くときも同じです。
■「特に予定がない」なら I don't have any specific plans.
"I think we should start the meeting at noon. " "Sorry, I already have plans for then."

■緊張をほぐす、雰囲気を和らげる、会話のきっかけを作る break the ice
■ break the ice は「氷を割る」という直訳からもイメージできるように、「凍った場の雰囲気を破る」=「緊張を解す、雰囲気を和らげる、場を温める」という意味です。
He broke the ice with a joke.
We talked about our journeys to break the ice.

■~に近づかない、~にはかかわらない、~を避ける、~を控える stay away from ~
stay away from ~ は「~離れた場所にいる」、つまり「~には近づかない、~にはかかわらない、~を避ける」という意味。
Please stay away from the area.
You should stay from him.
Stay away from alcohol.
"Would you like some curry?" "No, I stay away from hot food, thanks."

■面倒なことになる、困る、怒られる get in trouble
■ get in trouble は文字通りに解釈すると「トラブルに巻き込まれる」「面倒なことになる」ということで、会話例でもこの意味で使われています。
■ただ、 get in trouble は「叱られる」という意味でもよく使われます。
■また怒られたの? Did you get in trouble again?
■お皿を洗わないと叱られるよ。 You're going to get in trouble if you don't do the dishes.
You should finish that report now; you don't want to get in trouble.

■たいてい、しばしば、通常 more often than not
■ more often than not 「not より頻繁」=「たまに」と誤解されがちですが、このかたまりで「たいてい、しばしば」という意味です。
■感覚的には「いつもというわけではないが、半々以上の確率で」ということで very often や usually と置き換え可能です。

■~とみられる、~のような印象を与える。come across as ~
■ come across as ~ は「人に~という印象を与える」という意味です。
He came across as intelligent.
I don't want to come across as boring.
Don't call him too often. You'll come across as desperate.
She comes across as serious and a little cold but she's actually very friendly.

■試しにしてみる、挑戦してみる give it a go
■ give it a go は「試しにしてみる」、つまり、try to do ということです。
■試しにやってみなよ。 You should give it a go.
■どうなるか、やってみるよ。 I'll give it a go and see what happens.
■ a がついていることからもわかる通り、このgoは名詞として使われています。give it a try, give it a shot も同じ意味になります。
"Can you translate this page into English for me?" "Well, I'll give it a go."

■そこはこの街で一番のレストランよ。---本当に? 試してみなきゃ。
It's the best restaurant in the city. --- Really? I'll have to give it ago.

How can I lose weight? --- Just stay away from sugar and fat.

You look tired. Why don't you take a rest in the back room? --- No. If someone sees me, I might get in trouble.

Hey Larry. Feel like getting a drink tonight? --- Love to, but I already have plans.

"Care to join us?" "I wish I could, but I'm waiting for someone."

Sorry about last night. I hope I didn't come across as bored.

Bob is late more often than not.

This game is a good way to break the ice at a party.


■UNIT17 パーティ、その他の交流 ②講演会での雑談 「ここ、座ってもいいですか?」
■ジャック:こんにちわ、ここに座ってもいいですか? ほかに空席がないんです。

Jack: Hi, do you mind if I sit here? There aren't any other seats available.
Mai: No, not at all. Please go ahead.
Jack: Thanks. Look how many people turned out today.
Mai: Yeah, who would miss the opportunity to listen to a Steve Hobbs' lecture?
Jack: That's true. By the way, I'm Jack Smith from ABC.
Mai: I'm Mai Ota from DEF. Nice to meet you.


Jack: Have you got a Pie-Pad yourself?
Mai: Not yet. They're still hard to come by in Japan.
Jack: It's the same in the States, too. As soon as they come in stock they fly off the shelves. But I manage to buy one on ePay.


Mai: This is state-of-the-art in every way. Maple is the best when it comes to these devices.
Jack: I agree. They don't cut corners on anything.
Mai: And their stuff sells by word of mouth so they can keep their prices low as well.

■~してもよろしいですか? Do you mind if I ...?
■Do you mind if~?は「~してもよろしいですか?」直訳すると「私が~をしたらご迷惑ですか?」という意味ですから、迷惑でなければ、No, I don't mind というのが正しい言い方です。厳密さを欠くものの、Sure, go right ahead. のように答えることもよくあります。ただ、Yes, please. とは言いませんので気を付けましょう。
This place is crowded today, isn't it? Do you mind if I sit here?

■入手困難である、なかなか手に入らない (be) hard to come by
■come byには「立ち寄る」「思いつく」などの意味のほかに「手に入れる」という意味もあります。
■これにbe hard to / be difficult to がついて、「入手困難だ」となるわけです。
Privacy is hard to come by.
We need some new parts for this old printer but they're pretty hard to come by.

■在庫がある in stock
■ stockは「在庫」という意味です。「在庫がある」は(be) in stock「在庫がない、在庫切れ」(be) out of stock、「入庫する」come in stock
We'll let you know as soon as it's back in stock.
We'll let you know as soon as it arrives in stock.
"I need a new cable for this computer." "That's no problem, we have some in stock."

■飛ぶように売れる fly off the shelves
■ shelves はshellf(陳列棚)の複数形で、fly off the shelvesは「陳列棚から飛ぶ」すなわち「飛ぶように売れる」という意味です。
■新製品は飛ぶように売れた。The new products flew off the shelves.
We only got the new model in two days ago but they flew off the shelves.

■何とか~する、うまく~をやり遂げる manage to ~
■ manageは「経営する、運営する」という意味以外に、manage+to不定詞の「何とか~する、どうにか~を成し遂げる」という意味も押さえておきましょう。
■探していた本を何とか見つけた。I managed to find the book I was looking for.
■明日、何とか来てもらえる? Can you manage to come tommorrow?
"Can you get everyone to sign the contract by 4 p.m. ?" "I think I can manage to."

■ state-of-the-art は形容詞で、「最新鋭の」「最先端の」という意味です。
The next-generation TV is full of state-of-the-art technology.
■意味合いとしては most advanced (最も先進的な)most sophisticated(最も洗練された)と同様ですが、state-of-the-artは「芸術の域にまで達するほど高度に洗練された」ということで誉め言葉として一段上の印象があります。
My gym is full of new machines. It's really state-of-the-art.

■手抜きをする、手間を省く cut corners
■ cut cornersは文字通り、「角をきちんと曲がらずにショートカットする」=「近道をする」のほか、「やるべき手間を省く」=「手抜きをする」という意味でも使います。
If you cut corners, the outcome of your work will be below standard.
■手作業の仕事が多い小さな工場などでは、no Cutting Corners (手抜き厳禁)のような張り紙を目にします。
"Surely we don't need so many fire alarms." "We can't cut corners on safety."

■口コミ word of mouth
■ word of mouth は「口コミ」のこと。「口コミで」は、by word of mouth/ through word of mouth と表現します。
The rumor spread through word of mouth.
The product sells by word of mouth.
We can't underestimate the power of word of mouth.
"His concerts always sell out but I never see anything about them in advance."
"That's because they sell by word of mouth."

Do you think you can finish this by tonight? --- I think I can manage to complete everything before 6 p.m.

I want a well-paid part-time job. --- Those are hard to come by.

Hey, Jane. Glad you could make it to the talk. --- Thanks Tim. Do you mind if I sit here?

How's the pet food business? --- Well, our dog food is flying off the shelves right now.

We never cut corners on employee safety.

This is a state-of-the-art stereo system.

These devices should come in stock by next Tuesday.

This product mostly sells by word of mouth.