
ケイコ:何ですって? あんまりよく聞こえないわ。
ケイコ:何のファイル? ごめん、接続状態が悪いの。次の駅で降りて掛け直すわ・・・もしもし?

Jennifer: Hi, Keiko, where are you now?
Keiko: I'm on the way to the office on the train. What's the matter?
Jennifer: We can't find the Jones file.
Keiko: Come again? I can't hear you well.
Jennifer: The Jones file. Do you know where it is?
Keiko: What file? Sorry, it's a bad connection.
I'll get off at the next stop and call you back. ... Hello?

ケイコ:さっぱりわからない。ベスに聞いてみた? あなたが引き継ぐ前にジョーンズさんの取引を担当していたのは彼女よ。
Keiko: Sorry, Jennifer, I was cut off. --- the line went dead.
Jennifer: That's OK. I just wanted to ask if you know where the Jones file is.
Keiko: I have no idea. Have you asked Beth?
She's the one who was looking after the Jones account before you took it over.
Jennifer: She's just called in sick.

ジェニファー:ちょっと待って・・・あ、あったわ! 山積みのほかのファイルの下にあった。
ケイコ:良かった! でも、ベスとは彼女の「ファイリング方法」について話をしなければ。

Keiko: Maybe it's her desk. Try looking there.
Jennifer: Let me see ... Oh, here it is! It was under a pile of other files.
Keiko: Good! But I'll have to have a word with Beth about her "filing system."
Jennifer: Yeah, you said it.

■え、なんだって? もう一度行って。Come again?
■相手の言っていることが聞き取れなかったときの、「え、なんだって?」にあたるくだけた表現。Come again?
Could you say that again, please? I don't hear you.
Say it again, please.
"I'm going to Jaipur." "Come again?" "I'm going to Jaipur, in India."

■通信状態が悪い、電波の状態が悪い a bad connection.
■携帯電話の電波が悪くて、通話が途中で切れたりするときに、connection(接続) やreception(受信)を使っていう。
■通信状態が悪いんです。I have a bad connection.
■受信状態が悪いんです。My reception is bad.
■「アンテナが立っていない」という感覚の I have no signal. I have a poor signal.
■「すみません。何と言いましたか? 通信状態が悪いんです。」
Sorry, what did you say? I have a bad connection here.
■切れる、切断される be cut off
I was cut off.
The line was cut off.
The line was disconnected
Sorry, I was in an elevator when you called, and I was cut off.
I have no idea.
I don't understand. 理解できない。
I don't know. I'm not sure. 知らない。
I have no idea. 全く見当がつかない。何も考えつかない。
What's the captal city of Ghana?" "Sorry, I have no idea."
■病欠の連絡する. call in sick.
■会社や学校に「病欠する」という連絡をいれることを、call in sickと言います。
電話ではなく、メールで連絡する場合も習慣的にHe called in sick.という。
最近ではHe e-mailed in sick.という言い方も出てきた。
■病欠を知らせるメールはa sick leave e-mail という。病欠、病気休暇はsick leave
I don't feel well this morning. I think I'll have to call in sick.
■たくさんの~、山積みの~ a pile of ~
■積みあがった本、本の山 a pile of books
■一束の、たくさんの a bunch of ~
■まとまりのある一束の、たくさんの a stack of ~
■強調するときはwhole を使って a whole pile of , a whole bunch of , a whole stack of
I have a pile of letters that I have to mail.
■質問、相談などのために~と話をする have a word with ~
■上司からちょっと話があるんだけどいいかな? Can I have a word with you?
■上司からちょっと時間あるかな? ちょっと小言や忠告があるときに出てくるフレーズ
Can I have a moment with you?
Can I have a minute with you?
I have to have a word with Diane about the mistakes in this file.
■まったくその通り。本当にそうだね。You said it.
■You said it.は「あなたの言う通り」「その通り」That's right. You're right. I agree.
■ほんとその通りだね。You said it, all right.
"This new game is too easy." "You said it."

■バリーはどこの出身なのかな? ちょっと変わったアクセントがあるね。---さっぱりわからない。私も同じことを聞こうと思ったのよ。
Where is Barry from ? He has an odd accent. --- I have no idea. I was going to ask you the same thing.
It sure is hot today. --- You said it. I'm sweating.
■システムを探しているんだけど。---え、なんですって? 何てシステム?
I'm looking for a medi-aural Fetal Doppler system. --- Come again. A what-system?
I'm having a bit of trouble hearing you. --- Yeah, same here. I think we have a bad connection.
I'm going to call in sick. I feel terrible.
Sorry, I was cut off. What were you saying?
You've got a pile of letters in your mail box.
I'm going to have a word with Jay about the office temperature.