
When something has started working, it's up and running.
When something bad happens for a second time, you complain, "Not again."
When you think you can help someone, but you're not sure how much you can help, you can say, "I'll see what I can do."
When someone does something to help you, you promise to help them in the future by saying, "I owe you one."
When something is near in location or time, you can say it is just around the corner.
A friendly way to say that you are busy, and you can't accept an invitation. --- "I'd love to, but I can't."
When something must be finished at a certain date or time, it is due at that time.
When someone has really helped you or done a big favor, you say, "Thanks a million."
A casual way to ask "Why are you wearing a tie?" --- "What's with the tie?"
When you want to tell someone that their guess is wrong, you can say, "It's not that."
When you make a serious promise, you can say, "You have my word."
When a situation you are in is better than another situation, you are better off.
When you want to ask someone if an event was good or not, you can ask "How did it go?"
When you are surprised about something you yourself said, you might say "I can't believe I said that."
When you said something which you didn't intend to say, it just slipped out.
If you’re working extremely hard, you're working yourself to death.
If you want to greet someone in a friendly way, you can say, "How are things with you?"
When you let your company know that you will leave the job, you hand in your notice.
When you mention a final, but important, piece of information, you can say, "last but not least."
If you want to tell someone that a situation is difficult, you can say, "That's tough."