

Kenji: Hey, Simon, you look different today. What's with the tie? What's the occasion?
Simon: Nothing. Just for a change of pace.
Kenji: And you had your hair cut. Oh, I see. You're going out with someone tonight, right?
Simon: It's nothing like that.
Kenji: Come on, tell me, Who's your date?


Simon: It's not that, really.
Kenji: What's going on, then
Simon: Promise you're not going to tell anyone?
Kenji: You have my word.
Simon: I have a job interview with JTA this afternoon.


Kenji: Are you going to leave HIJ?
Simon: If JTA will hire me, yeah.
Kenji: I hear the work is demanding and the hours are long there.
Simon: But their pay's well worth it. I'll be better off working for them.
Kenji: I wouldn't think only of the money if I were you.

What's with the ~? (その~、どうしたの?)
■いつもと様子が違う人を心配して「どうしたの? なんか変だよ」
What's with you?
What's with the long face?
■あのレストランの行列はどうしたの? ああ、あそこ、凄く人気あるの
"What's with the line at the restaurant?" "Oh, it's really popular."
a change of pace
■for a changeだけで使うことがある。「たまには」「珍しく」という意味になる
Hey, you're on time for a change.
We always stay home on the weekend. I want to go to the beach for a change of pace.
■go out with~には2つの意味があります。 tonight や this Friday のように時を表す言葉を伴っていれば、その日時に「~と外出する、デートする」という意味です。
■go out withだけだと「~と付き合う」という意味になります。
I'm going out with her.
I'm going out with Catherine tomorrow. Where should we go?
■簡単な言い回しなのにつかえそうでつかえないのが、このIt's not that. 最後のthatは相手の発言の内容を指します。瞬発的に「いや、そうじゃなくて」と指定したいときに使える。
It's not that easy.
"You seem distant lately ... did I do something wrong?" "No, it's not that. I'm just too tired."
■「約束」はpromiseという単語もあるが、one's word(その人がした)約束という表現もよくつかわれる。
You have my word. I give you my word.
Do I have your word?
I'll keep my word.
Don't break your word.
Your secret is safe with me. You have my word.
It's worth $100,000.
■それを買うのに何時間も並んで待つの? 並ぶ価値はあるんだ。
Are you going to line up and wait for hours to buy that? It's worth it.
The line at that restaurant is long, but the food is well worth it.
■金銭的なことに限らず、前より恵まれた状態になることをbe better offと言います。
■~する方がよいというときはbe better off ~ingのように後ろに動詞の-ing形を続けます。
He'll be better off living alone.
■ずっと良い状態になると強調したければHe'll be much better off ... 副詞のmuch やfarを足します。
■逆はbe worse off (暮らし向きが悪くなる)
He's better off working for a smaller company. He seems happier there.
■if I were you はif I were in your position(私があなたの立場だったら)とも言い換えられます。
I wouldn't swim in that river if I were you. The water is moving too fast.
Maybe you're supposed to push this button. --- I wouldn't touch that if I were you.
I think this is the first time I've seen you in a dress. --- I wanted to wear one for a change of pace.
■つまりより高い車を買った方がいいってこと? ---うん、その価値は十分にあるわ。
So you think I should buy the more expensive car? --- Yes. It'll be well worth it.
So you promise you'll water my garden while I'm gone? --- You have my word.
I'm going out with Mike next weekend. We're planning to see a movie.
You'd be better off buying it online. It's cheaper.
You can go home if you're not feeling well." "It's not that. My mother had a accident yesterday."
■寝袋なんてどうしたの? キャンプに行くの?
What's with the sleeping bag? Are you going camping?